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The Rules

The main purpose of the Generally Accepted Roleplaying Guidelines Commission is to cut down on the amount of confusion when it comes to rules amongst crews that roleplaying amongst each other, and to also cut down on the level of immaturity that arises when said confusion begins to surface. So, these are the main set of rules that everyone accepting GARGC will follow and respect accordingly. Failure to follow these rules will result in your crew/affiliates being ex-communicated from GARGC until further notice/or allowed back in under specific limitations placed by the board of commissioners.


1. Remember this is a game, and that roleplaying is not to be taken seriously outside of the video game. Personal attacks on people based on something that happened in the roleplay universe is strictly prohibited and will result in your immediate ex-communication – this rule is a zero-tolerance rule.


2. When in a roleplay session, once a session begins, it will remain IC until the session leader closes the roleplaying session. No OOC speaking once the session begins – if you need to do that, simply call the person or invite them to a text chat. Failure to follow this rule will result in your removal of the session.


3. Godmoding and Metagaming is strictly prohibited. The first offense is followed by a warning and explanation on what you were doing. The second offense will result in you being called in front of the board of commissioners to discuss disciplinary action. The third offense will result in your ex-communication.


4. The GARGC is the governing board of these guidelines and the roleplaying community we have strived to set up. With crews, the GARGC has little authority so long as they follow our general rules – which means if there is a violation of their inner crew rules, we cannot get involved in that so long as they follow our guidelines.


5. Once a Class A death has occured to your character, you must leave the roleplay session for thirty minutes or make a new RP identity for the remainder of that session. Failure to cooperate will result in your removal from the roleplaying session.


6. Once a Class B death has occured to your character, your charcter is excommunicated and considered dead to the roleplaying community of GARGC. Failure to cooperate will result in us blocking you and completely excommunicating your other known accounts. Be mature. 


7. Any violation of our policies will result in a warning for the first offense, and a commission hearing for following offenses. 



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